Happy Holidays from Our Family to Yours

Who doesn’t love a classic holiday tradition? Some families chop down their own Christmas tree while others pile in the car to go visit family. You could be served the Feast of Seven Fishes in an Italian home or rellenos de papa (stuffed potatoes) and pernil (slow-roasted pork) in a Puerto Rican one. For some families, a specific holiday or religion isn’t necessary. Rather they use these winter months as a time to reflect, a time to express gratitude for what they have, and a time to give generously to those who may have less. At the Alliance, we are fortunate in that we spend our holiday giving the gift of storytelling. All are welcome in our space to immerse themselves in stories that give us hope, bring us together, and remind us of the goodness in the world.

Our staff also shares stories with each other. This cross-cultural dialogue celebrates our differences while reminding us of the ways in which the human experience is universal. Maybe you aren’t the child of Egyptian immigrants who don’t celebrate Christmas, but you know what it’s like to balance your parents’ version of the holidays with your own. Maybe you’ve never arranged a Kwanzaa altar, but you understand the importance of celebrating community and the desire to leave the world more beautiful than you inherited it. Maybe you weren’t the only Jewish family in a small southern town, but you know how to appreciate what makes you different and how to build genuine connections with people who may not understand your culture.

Kinaras and Menorahs. Christmas trees and Yule altars. Communion and cookies. A movie premiere, a tropical vacation, and an aggressive game of monopoly. All of these are holiday traditions that you’ll find in our staff and in our community. Despite the beautiful diversity of these religious and cultural events, some pillars of the season remain consistent. Family, generosity, gratitude and, of course, amazing food. There is a reason that we turn our heads to see lights twinkle in the trees or take a moment to catch a snowflake on our tongue. There is a reason it’s easier to believe in miracles and to believe that people are inherently good. Simply put, the holidays are a special time of year that we are so grateful to be celebrating with you. Thank you for joining us in our home. Don’t be surprised if you walk away with a new favorite holiday tradition!

This article was originally published in the playbill for Courtenay’s Cabaret: Home for the Holidays at the Alliance Theatre in 2019


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